Bitte checked unseren blog hin und wieder damit ihr ueber all unsere Plaene und Aenderungen informiert seit. Wir haben den blog so eingerichtet das ihr eure Kommentare hinterlassen koennt. Wir bitte euch euren Namen unter euren Kommentar zu schreiben, damit wir auch wissen von wem er ist. Wir sind unheimlich gluecklich das ihr an dieser ganz speziellen Zeit in unserem Leben teil nehmt.


Please check our blog every now and then to stay updated on our plans, any changes along the way, and the list of who's attending so far. We set it up so that anyone can leave comments but please leave your name so that we know who it's from. Thank you in advance for being a part of this special time in our lives.

Jamell Evans Karoline Sikorski

Friday, August 14, 2009

I can't take my eyes off of you!

This is one of the many songs that I would like my friend Renata to play for us on her guitar on our wedding. It's the portuguese version of the "The Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice. How beautiful is this song? Enjoy it!

Here is the Damien Rice version................ what a beautiful song.

And what do you know - I found the Italian version of the song as well, the language is fantastic. Music is amazing! You gotta love music, you just have to!!!!


  1. ...Wow I already loved this song before but now hearing it in Portugiese and also Italien I love it even more!!!!!

    Music speaks for itself and lets other people know how we really feel.....

    by Jeannette xoxo

  2. yes sweety, Its gonna be a plesure for me!!! but u know what, I thought it was a suprise to Jamel.
