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Please check our blog every now and then to stay updated on our plans, any changes along the way, and the list of who's attending so far. We set it up so that anyone can leave comments but please leave your name so that we know who it's from. Thank you in advance for being a part of this special time in our lives.

Jamell Evans Karoline Sikorski

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Something like that I'd like....

...... ich weiss gar nicht ob wir auf unseren "wedding bands" in Deutschland auch Diamanten haben. Ich kenne nur die ganz traditionellen Ringe ganz schlicht und einfach gold oder weiss gold. Naja, wie ihr mich bestimmt schon alle kennt habe ich mich natuerlich schon einmal umgeschaut, bin ja eine fliessige "Braut-to-be" und hier sind 2 Ringe die mir sehr gut gefallen haben. Natuerlich mit kleinen Diamanten versehen, wie soll es auch anders sein, wa??

.... in Germany it is not very common to have diamonds on your wedding band, well maybe now it is. I actually love the idea of having a little diamond on my wedding band... or maybe two... or three... or four.... hehehe. What is it about diamonds that us women love sooooooo much???
I think I would love to have something like the two that I am posting here for you guys to check out, I'd love to hear what you guys think.


  1. Steph Catala-
    Karoline, I love them both, but the second one is my personal favorite!!! It just looks so classy and clean you know? and its going to go super well with your engagement ring!

  2. Oh wow... Both of them are beautiful (and they both match to Jamells wedding ring #2 ;)).... Well, if I would have to decide i would definitely go with the first one!! Loving it!!!


  3. i LOVE the 2nd one, i agree that it looks classy and clean. also, since you are having my dream wedding it's only fitting that you would chose a picture of my dream ring ;)

  4. Well personally I really like the first ring but I think your friend Monika is right if she says that the second one fits better to the ring from Jamell (Ring #2)......
    Choices over choices!!!!! Who would have guessed there are so many to make!!!! Go with the one that ur heart tells u to!!!!


  5. wir haben ja schonmal darüber geredet. wie gesagt, my favorite is nr. 2 at all...

  6. Hey it's Lee-Lee (Lynette). I like the first band for Karoline. It's gorgeous! The first band looks good with the one I recommended for you too, Jamell. Go with that Girl! Go with that one!!! :)

  7. damm guarl ...thats some BLING BLING..numero Uno...

  8. Ich schließe mich da der lieben Tina an! #2 !!!

    xxx Ulli xxx
